Lativa to Lithuania to Poland. Routes?

  • 7 July 2022
  • 2 replies

Hi. We plan to travel down (next week) from Finland to Estonia, then onto Latvia, Lithuanian onto Poland. 

App does work for Latvia, Lithuanian, we have booked a bus from Tallinn to Riga, then not sure what route/method we take onto Lithuanian then to Poland? Bus and/or train via which cities? 

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

There's a train from Lithuania to Poland on Saturday and Sunday:

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

There is also a gap Latvia to Lietuva=Lith. No trains as for now.

If planning to use elron trains in EE=Estonia with pass: read recent post which again told that several conductors are not at all familiair with it and force you to pay for normal ticket. The official procedure is to issue a 0 € receipt. All tickets are sod on board-but about all locals have chipcards often with free travel anyway in their province. has best recent info in readable form on how to cross by train-or as far as- over there.
