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I along with my mother are planning to visit the Auschwitz concentration camp from vienna. Is this route lonely or do people like to visit this place ? We shall be taking overnight train from Vienna to krakow and then from krakow to osweicim . Is this right planning ?

Do I need to be aware of something else as well ?

Kindly help .

Regards !!

Hi there, I don't know if this still applies (maybe too late?). Anyway, just here to say that from Krakow you can find many offers for day trips to Auschwitz, with buses/little vans. I'd say it's more convenient than traveling there yourself by train (the distances between the station and the camps are quite long, if you'd walk them). Not sure if there are shuttle buses or something like that locally. 

It could be less pricey than losing a travel day on your interrail card...
