tips for 3 weeks in the south of europe

  • 21 May 2023
  • 1 reply

Hello everybody, my name is Colin’s and I’m going to travel with 3 friends of mine we  from 22 of July until the 12 th of august.

We are 23 years old and from Bruxelles, and we would like to go on an adventure in the south of Europe, ( south of France, Spain, Portugal, …) does anybody have some tips or advice that we should know ? And even some place to not miss or things to do ? 

We are all pretty bad at planning stuff so any help could be very appreciated !

Thank you very much, and see you maybe on the road ;) 

1 reply

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I was never with Interrail/Eurail is Spain and Portugal, but I can tell you that Spain is one of the countries where it is very difficoult, because you can't book reservations online only at ticket offices of RENFE in Spain or DB in Germany. On top there is only a limited connection to Portugal. 

I hope maybe someone in this community can help with your planing.
