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The Interrail train map shows Santiago de Compostela as on the network but the app does not show any trains no matter which start/finish station I choose!  I have a Continuous Global Pass, can I just use it to jump on a train?

You're probably looking too far into the future. Spanish railways often only publish timetables only 2 months in advance. I do see trains for today in the app.

But you shouldn't use the app for planning since it's unreliable and often out of date. For Spain, is a good source.

Nice try rvdborgt and thank you but no!  I’ve just tried it now (25/02) for 10/04 and I get zero trains (to Leon).  So I brought forward the travel date and the latest date with trains showing is 30/03, just over 4 weeks away (the RENFE website has the times for April).  But how does that fit with ‘my trip’.  I can’t put the trains in the trip … this whole thing with the mobile app is useless.  Too many unanswered questions and no support from Interrail.  I have raised a query with them twice (onj a different matter) but not even an acknowledgement let alone an answer.  They have not the slightest clue as to customer service, they just hope the question will go away and why should they care if people can’t use the mobile app, they have already taken the money!

Nice try rvdborgt but no!  I’ve just tried it now (25/02) for 10/04 and I get zero trains (to Leon).  So I brought forward the travel date and the latest date with trains showing is 30/03, just over 4 weeks away (the RENFE website has the times for April).  But how does that fit with ‘my trip’.  I can’t put the trains in the trip.

There's no need to enter journeys in the app in advance. I often do it just before boarding.

RENFE particularly are always late publishing their timetables and then sending them to the European Timetable Centre, where almost everybody else gets them from, including the rail planner app.

… this whole thing with the mobile app is useless.  Too many unanswered questions and no support from Interrail.  I have raised a query with them twice (onj a different matter) but not even an acknowledgement let alone an answer.

When you send a query, you should at least get a confirmation via email, so how did you send your questions? The best way is to use this form:

I hope you did have a look at the mobile pass FAQ:

Many questions are already answered there.

I can't say there's no support. I've always received answers from support, although it can take a while if it's not urgent. For urgent issues though, such as moving a pass to another phone (which had to be done by support until recently), they normally reply within hours.

I’m pleased for the service you received rvdborgt (and for the prompt service you are giving me, thanks you … have you ever considered running their Customer Service department?)  My experience has been the complete opposite! 

I emailed them at '' and have delivery receipts.  My query was urgent (to me).  I purchased my pass on the advertisement that I could use it to travel up to 31st May but it comes about that I have to activate it by 01/05.  For the life of me I don’t see how I can use a 15 continuous pass on 31/05 when it needed to be activated by 01/05.  Maybe they only have 15 days in May in Utrecht!

Yes I did check the FAQ’s but understandably could not find anything about false marketing!  I’m not surprised they don’t want to reply, everything is in writing.

In this case RENFE are not late, it’s Interrail who are late.  As I said in my post, the timetable for April is on the RENFE website.

I had trouble with them before when they offered a 50% discount on a new pass as a resolution to a problem but when I tried to use the discount code it did not work.  They sent me another discount code but that one didn’t work either … then the just stopped replying.  Again I suspect because they were clearly in the wrong (unless they can’t see anything wrong with issuing discount codes that they have no intention of honouring).

I guess it’s my own fault  based on my past experiences with them I should never have given them another chance, I should have known they could not be trusted to do as they said they would.

I emailed them at '' and have delivery receipts.  My query was urgent (to me).  I purchased my pass on the advertisement that I could use it to travel up to 31st May but it comes about that I have to activate it by 01/05.  For the life of me I don’t see how I can use a 15 continuous pass on 31/05 when it needed to be activated by 01/05.  Maybe they only have 15 days in May in Utrecht!

Yes I did check the FAQ’s but understandably could not find anything about false marketing!  I’m not surprised they don’t want to reply, everything is in writing.

In this case RENFE are not late, it’s Interrail who are late.  As I said in my post, the timetable for April is on the RENFE website.

Well… when RENFE have published their timetable on their website, it doesn't necessarily mean they've sent it to the European Timetable Database yet. That always takes some time, but of course the rail planner app is not updated very frequently either. So there's multiple factors here.

I had trouble with them before when they offered a 50% discount on a new pass as a resolution to a problem but when I tried to use the discount code it did not work.  They sent me another discount code but that one didn’t work either … then the just stopped replying.  Again I suspect because they were clearly in the wrong (unless they can’t see anything wrong with issuing discount codes that they have no intention of honouring).

I guess it’s my own fault … based on my past experiences with them I should never have given them another chance, I should have known they could not be trusted to do as they said they would.

Sounds like a reason to escalate this issue. Ways to do hat should be mentioned in the conditions.


I had trouble with them before when they offered a 50% discount on a new pass as a resolution to a problem but when I tried to use the discount code it did not work.  They sent me another discount code but that one didn’t work either … then the just stopped replying.  Again I suspect because they were clearly in the wrong (unless they can’t see anything wrong with issuing discount codes that they have no intention of honouring).

I guess it’s my own fault … based on my past experiences with them I should never have given them another chance, I should have known they could not be trusted to do as they said they would.

Sounds like a reason to escalate this issue. Ways to do hat should be mentioned in the conditions.

On second thought, there still seems to be an open support case of yours, where you're waiting for a reply.

@Mukhammad, @Camilo., could you please look into what happened with @firlandsfarm's support case?

Thanks for passing it on rvdborgt but it shouldn’t have to rely on your kind graces to do so should I!  I am indebted to you for your efforts.

I can of course forward copies of my emails to 

@Mukhammad and @Camilo. if required.

Hi @firlandsfarm 

I cannot see any message related to your request on our system. You can send me a private message, so I can assist you. Otherwise, you can contact us as @rvdborgt suggested:

Have a nice day!

Hi @Camilo. thanks for responding.  I would need to forward past emails to you to present the issues, what’s the best way to do that?  Shall I convert the emails into word docs and attach them to the form?

On following the link to submit a request I now fail at the first stage … I don’t know which category to put the issues in!  Does it matter?  Does the chosen category chose who deals with the matter?  Should I try to have you deal with them seeing as you have some background from this thread?  If so, how?  And if the chosen category does matter what should I choose?  Both issues relate to the purchase and T&C’s of passes but not the passes themselves. 

Please advise.

Hi @firlandsfarm 

I already found the conversation with my colleagues. I see that the last email was sent by us on the 27th of 2022 with a new code. Did you try using it? You can send me a private message. 

Hi @Camilo. and thanks for looking into this, I will PM you when I have found all the emails but in the meantime could you confirm the date of the last email you refer to, I think you forgot to show the month!  :)

Hi @Camilo. and thanks for looking into this, I will PM you when I have found all the emails but in the meantime could you confirm the date of the last email you refer to, I think you forgot to show the month!  :)

Hi @firlandsfarm 

Sorry, the last message was on the 27th of June 2022. 

OK @Camilo, thanks … I’ll PM you when I have collated the emails.

@Camilo. I have sent you 4 PM’s, two for each issue because i kept exceeding the 10,000 character limit to a PM and therefore split each message.  Most of the content is made of of the emails copied in to the messages.  Thank you for your continued interest.
