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Travel from Luxembourg - Geneva

  • 22 February 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi all ☺️✨

Just looking for some travel ideas - I am planning to go through Belgium to Luxembourg, and from there I have found out my friend will be visiting family in Geneva so I would like to go down there and visit her (and hopefully get some washing done!!)

The journey from Luxembourg - Geneva is 7 hours, so I’d like to break it up by stopping somewhere (or a few places) for a few days en route down to Geneva. I’m planning to do Germany later in the trip so just looking for recommendations pretty direct along that route through France down to Geneva, from seasoned travellers!

Thanks in advance ☺️

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Transportation INside LUX is free since last year.

The route does not allow too much alternatives, but if you have a pass and can use the other traveldays for some more trips you could consider:

1.via FR: STrasbourg and the Alsace. You do not even need to use those cumbersome TGV via this.

2.via DE: Saarland, Mannheim and/or Karlsruhe, Black Forest=Schwarzwald.

Then you enter CH via Basel-so all of Swiss is open.

The general site-search country info, has general info, and suggestions for some scenic routes that one can use ´for free´ on a pass. Otherwise: in the past people read a guidebook for that. Such very broad and wide general Qs tend to lead to only a very few general response
