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Travelling across Spain to Portugal

  • 11 May 2023
  • 1 reply

Hi i’m trying to plan a trip from Biarritz across Spain and into Portugal. it appears that this is difficult as all the trips i put into the eurail app come up with nothing. Is it possible to do or do you just have to go via the major cities?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Do not use Rail Planner for planning, it is quite unreliable. Instead use

To cross the border take the Euskotren between Hendaye and San Sebastian : it is not included in the pass but it only costs 3-4€, buy at the train station. Trains run every 30 min. This route might not show on all planners.

Then within Spain you'll need seat reservations for a lot of trains but you'll be able to make them at San Sebastian train station. Here are the known options to make them :

Also use for planning, very useful. To enter Portugal either via Vigo or Badajoz (no fast links)
