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Travelling to Sweden. Any tips?

  • 1 July 2022
  • 3 replies

I'm travelling with a friend to Sweden. We are planning on wild camping in sküleskogen. Is the global pass 4 days in one month enough?

I think the best way is to go to Stockholm first. Do any of you have any tips to go from Stockholm to Skuleskogen?


I've backpacked one time before but I'm still quite unexperienced so I'd love some help and confirmation about this!


3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

What pass fits best depends entirely on your travel plans. Use a planner, such as the DB planner or DB Navigator app to see how much time your journeys will take, so you have an idea of how much travel days you need. For domestic journeys in Sweden, it's best to use Do not use the rail planner app (or the Interrail website) to plan, since they're not reliable enough for that purpose.

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

When are you planning the trip to Sweden? 

I suppose you need to take the train to Härnösand and then a bus from there to Skule. I don't have time to check the details right now as I am not at home. I'll give you more information in a few days.

The High Coast is a very nice area and I have been there many times.

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hi again!

To get to Skuleskogen you first need to take the train to Härnösand. From there you take the bus, which not is included in Interrail, to Skule. There are several bus stops where you can access Skuleskogen and there is also a special bus bringing hikers to different entry points of Skule. 

Here you can look for the bus between Härnösand and Skule (In Swedish)


Here is information about the bus for hikers.

