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I am traveling from Bodo to Tromso on Friday Feb 16, 2023.

Question: where can I book the ticket for this trip.

I assume there is no ticket booth by the gate.


Same applies for a trip from Tromso to Harstad on Feb 18, 2023




You should be able to book here:

I found this by looking for the timetables on If Entur can't book a journey in Norway, they will normally tell you where you acn book.

I have found this, too, however it tells me that I have to book a cabin although its a trip shorter than 23 hours

I have found this, too, however it tells me that I have to book a cabin although its a trip shorter than 23 hours

Then you need to call, or contact them in another way, and ask if it is possible to travel without a cabin.

Somehow I recall-from times before EnTur was there as general Norsk travel booker/organiser, that short-dist trips with NO accomm (if they allow, this may depend on how long the night portion is in it) are only for sale from 1 month-or even later, like 1 week before actual travel date.

It also used to be pretty common to buy such tickets on quayside an hr or so before the boat left-but thats from when before this whole world went crazy due to the possibilities that this www promises and often cannot deliver and the gross eternal fears that carefully set up extensive long time travel plans could run astray.

Also check what normal other ferries there may be for such links. Or perhaps bus+ferry combo. In NO the local regions/provinces are responsible for that-even more as the Länder in DE

Hurtigruten is a weird mix between cruise and a connecting local ferry for small, isolated coastal places.

I think there’s a rule that if your route has an overnight stop, you need a cabin. But better ask EnTur anyway or via the Hurtigruten website anyway.


I am traveling from Bodo to Tromso on Friday Feb 16, 2023.

Question: where can I book the ticket for this trip.

I assume there is no ticket booth by the gate.


Same applies for a trip from Tromso to Harstad on Feb 18, 2023





Hallo Jürgen,

die Fahrkarte kann auf deutsch hier gebucht werden: Von Hafen zu Hafen | Hurtigruten Das Original

Der 16.2. ist aber ausverkauft.

Am 18.2. gibt es zurück keine Fahrt, aber am 19. um 1.30 Uhr, das ist dann aber nicht Hurtigruten.

Wenn Hurtigruten an dem Tag nicht fährt, dann hier: Havila - Booking (

Für die Hinfahrt benötigst du eine Kabine, da da offenbar die Eincheckzeit mitgezählt wird, obwohl die reine Fahrtzeit 5 Minuten unter 23 Stunden liegt.

Für die Rückfahrt kannst du ohne Kabine buchen.

Herzliche Grüße, Hektor.
