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Hello everyone! I hope somebody could help me. 

I bought a 1st class One Country Pass for Austria. All the trains I will take are OBB Eurocity trains for which the seat reservation is not required.

Given that, is it possible to stay in first class on EC trains without a seat reservation? 

Hi, yes you don’t need a reservation for 1st class in Austria, but it is optional.

But keep in mind, that your One Country Pass Austria in only valid in Austria and Lichtenstein. 

These means no ÖBB trains outside Austria. You can use it, but have to pay till the border. 

Note that the sleek very fine RJ=RailJet trains have even 2 types of 1st-also a superdeluxe business type-you cannot use that with 1st cl. pass. generally in summer 1st cl is much less busy as normal.

You can also go into all the OeBB lounges in all main stations-free cf/T and drinks and a small snack.
