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Ayuda por favor con reserva!

  • 23 September 2021
  • 5 replies

Hola por favor, compré dos tickets para mis papas desde mi cuenta. Me salen facturados dos tickets, me salen aprobados dos tickets pero solo me dejan agregar un pasajero y el otro me sale que no existe.

Mi papa ha podido realizar el cargado de su pase y el de mi mama en su app pero no sabe como hacer la reserva, por lo que yo quería hacerla desde mi cuenta pero no me permite agregar su psajes me sale error. Solo me deja agregar el de mi mamá. 



Me pueden ayudar por favor! 


Hi I just bought to senior global pases for my parents. They have already activate it today. But since yestarday I was triying to make reservations and, wel yesterday the web was wrong, but today the web says that it does not recognices my dads passes, only my moms. I dont know why? Because I can see his name on the “facturación” or travelers but I can nos add him to any trip. 

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi, please contact our Customer Support via this form. They will be able to look into the system and assist you further. 

Do I have to print my reservertions? I just made two reservatios from my account. Said reservatios wher for my parents who are in rome and have their senior global e-pass on their phone. So they have to look for any place and print it? or they can show it ?  Is not enough to show the reservations? Where I should print it? arround whole europe?

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi, one of our Customer Support agents, just replied to the message you've sent to them. If you have any further questions on this topic, you can reply to my colleague directly. 


Pude poner en la aplicación Rail Planner mí pase como hago para agregar el de mí marido en la misma aplicación 

Pude poner en la aplicación Rail Planner mí pase como hago para agregar el de mí marido en la misma aplicación 

