

  • 19 October 2022
  • 1 reply

Hello! I am new to this so I hope someone could help me!

I am planning an interrail with my friends but we are having some complications in order to plan the trains from:



Does someone know how could we get to this places by train? We want to make this trip in the Balkans, 

Liubliana-Zagreb-Belgrade-Sofia, but if it is not convinient, can someone give me advices? 

Thank you so much!


Best answer by mcadv 19 October 2022, 23:45

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Userlevel 7
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Ola, just now I sit in an aeropuerto to go to ESpana ala manana-and try out RENFE.

But for your question: has been asked many times and again I have to disappoint you: since a few yrs, and even more so since covid- there are simply NO trenes going over the frontera between the old Yugoslavija republics-there are now only domestic=INland trenes. And often not that many and not very good. Solo uno excepcion: from Serbije to Montes Negros/Cerna Gora.

If you can live without seeing the cidade blanco (Beograd) then you can go by tren via a roundabout much longer route; Via Zagreb-Budapest-somewhere in Romania (not necessarily Bucuresti)-into BUlgaria to Sofia. But you can coma back only via this way too. You can continue into GReece-partly by bus (have to pay) and then ferry to Italia-and on.

IF you insist on going that way you mention-then its partly bus-you must pay (its not very expensive)-details on But you loose ages of time by doing tren-autobus-walk-tren-just use a direct bus then-much easier and quikcer.
