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Hi everyone. My name is Deb and I’m very new to train travel. My husband Steve and I both in our late 50s are travelling from our home in Australia to a wedding in UK  in the June and are planning to tour Europe after that . We have  purchased Global 2 month passes. I am starting to get the hang of everything and got us as far as Berlin with reservations etc !  I am trying to book from Berlin to Krakow and  have read previous posts regarding not being able to reserve seats with DB. My question regards the EC57 train on 23/6/2023 at 1052. Is it likely to get fully booked  if I can’t reserve seats until we are in Europe and  if it is what the best alternative way of doing  the trip on that date.  Would really appreciate advice… ( took a lot of persuasion to get my husband to travel this way  so I want it to go as smoothly as possible haha)

Yeah I don't think you can book it online (or Eurail wants a hefty reservation fee + sends it by mail)

As all German train stations (DB) are able to sell them, I'd say book them when you arrive in Germany

Maybe someone else better knows the occupation of the train ?

It looks like reservations for this train are not open yet. But it shouldn't be a problem to book a seat a few days in advance at a ticket office. Doesn't need to be in Germany (although not in the UK).

Thanks so much Im probably overthinking it all. Just don’t want to be in a situation that I can’t get there easily when we have accommodation and trips booked. Im sure I’ll be asking more questions in the future.

Very helpful. My son and I are going on the same train in July and I can’t book a seat anywhere. My son said “Mum, we will figure it out when we get to Berlin”. After reading this I can only say the same 🙂 Have a fab trip. 
