In under a week I will be travelling to Venice from the UK via Switzerland. It would seem that the weakest link in my journey is a train from Tirano to Milan. The line has only recently reopened following a month of engineering work, but many trains are currently arriving more than 45 minutes late. I’ve now selected an earlier train from Tirano which should leave me ample time to catch my connection to Venice even with a 45 minute delay. I haven’t, however, allowed for 2 hour delays which have occcasionally been occuring!
My question is - what do I do if I miss my connection - as trains from MIlan to Venice have compulsory reservations? Can I use the interrail app to purchase last minute seat reservations for a later train? (I read somewhere that seat reservations on the day can only be purchased from ticket offices. Hopefully this was just wrong.)
If I do miss my train is there anything I can do to get a refund for my original seat reservation, given that the fault would lie entirely with the train operator?