
Booking from Trainline

  • 9 September 2022
  • 10 replies

Hi All, I am from India and this is my first time travel to EU. While my travel from India to Paris is on 3 OCT where I will stay for 5 nights, I have already booked my train ticket for further travel from Paris to Barcelona. I booked it on Trainline app and the ticket has Interrail Eurail logo in it.. I am bit confused whether I can use this ticket for travel from Paris to Barcelona since I have read somewhere that Interrail Eurail pass is for EU citizens. While I know that it's not the pass that I have taken, it's a ticket but wanted to confirm with you all that I can travel on the ticket.

Thanks in advance



Best answer by Al_G 9 September 2022, 12:03

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Userlevel 7
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Just for clarification:

  1. There are 2 forms of the Global Pass . A Eurail pass for residents outside Europe which allows unlimited travel on most trains in all 33 countries, which you should have, and an Interrail pass which is for residents of Europe which limits use in the country of residence.
  2. The reservation you have made is in addition to your ticket (your pass) and usable with  both Eurail and Interrail passes.


Thanks for your response. I have not got any passes as I don't intend to travel by trains much. I have bought this standalone train ticket from Paris to Barcelona from Trainline app. It costed me EUR 117 for 3 of us. Can I travel on this ticket ? There are 2 logos in the ticket pdf document Renfe and Interrail Eurail. I am confused of this Interrail Eurail logo since the pass it sells is for EU residents. So the solo ticket that I have bought is also valid for EU residents or non EU residents also?


Userlevel 7
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Thanks for your response. I have not got any passes as I don't intend to travel by trains much. I have bought this standalone train ticket from Paris to Barcelona from Trainline app. It costed me EUR 117 for 3 of us. Can I travel on this ticket ? There are 2 logos in the ticket pdf document Renfe and Interrail Eurail. I am confused of this Interrail Eurail logo since the pass it sells is for EU residents. So the solo ticket that I have bought is also valid for EU residents or non EU residents also?


Many apologies, this is a site where most people posting already or are considering buying a pass.

I would expect a purchase via Trainline to be a full travel ticket, but 117 euro for 3 seems very cheap. You would need to check the PDF to make sure it is a travel document, not just a reservation. If in doubt you would probably be best to e-mail trainline. 

I am unsure why the IR/Eurail logo is on there, but the train would certainly be usable by pass holders. A quick check on Trainline suggest 117 euro per person (or more) is nearer the expected cost for that service. 117 euro for 3 is about the cost for pass holders for the required reservations.

Userlevel 7
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Thanks for your response. I have not got any passes as I don't intend to travel by trains much. I have bought this standalone train ticket from Paris to Barcelona from Trainline app. It costed me EUR 117 for 3 of us. Can I travel on this ticket ? There are 2 logos in the ticket pdf document Renfe and Interrail Eurail. I am confused of this Interrail Eurail logo since the pass it sells is for EU residents. So the solo ticket that I have bought is also valid for EU residents or non EU residents also?


You have bought tickets for that journey, they have nothing whatsoever to do with interrail eurail and also have no connection to anyone’s nationality or residency.

I have no idea why that has interrail logo on it, beyond the fact that commercial sites love to attract traffic by throwing up as many searchable buzzwords as they can think of to get more google hits.

Trainline don’t sell interrail reservations or products.

As long as you abide by whatever terms were part of the tickets you bought you are fine, enjoy your trip.



By the way this is the ticket which I have.. it's for one person..same is for other 2 folks.. the ticket at the top says Ticket + Reservation

Userlevel 7
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Like I said, it is a ticket, you are fine.

The interrail logo isn’t even their current one and shouldn’t be there, the ticket has nothing to do with interrail.


Print it out and cut off the logo if you are still worried, it is the ticket and personal details that matter.

Thanks both of you. Cheers!!


Userlevel 7
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Well done to get that price

Enjoy your visit

Userlevel 7
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IN fact this is very cheap-39/pp, perhaps due to a small group together. SNCF always promotes it as cheapest for 49. AND the surcharge to pay with a pass is also about 35 or 39 for the full length-a little less for shorter sectors.

Userlevel 7
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the surcharge to pay with a pass is also about 35 or 39 for the full length

€34 in 2nd class. Just look it up.
