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Hello! Does anyone have any experience booking night train travel in Sweden with a Eurail pass? My family and I are trying to get from Gothenburg to Kiruna and when we get to the night train portion of the trip we are coming up with major issues. We all have a 1st class Eurail pass. When we try to book on the Eurail website it is only giving the option for a second-class seat, even though on the SJ website is says there are sleeper carriages available. When we try and book directly on the SJ website and put the Eurail pass info in there it is quoting a price that is way above the ‘service fee’ charge and nearly the same price as booking without a Eurail pass at all. Any suggestions?

The SJ website is the best one to book trains in Sweden, but you need a pass cover number to be able to use it for Eurail/Interrail reservations. You can request one here. On the SJ website, enter departure station, destination station and date and then click on this link:

Then select "Interrail or Eurailpass” and enter your pass cover number:


Please note that there is no 1st Class Sleeper from Gothenburg to Kiruna 😕 The Nighttrain goes asfar as Boden and then further to Lulea (in Boden you have a connection on the daytrain to Narvik 🙂 )

I prefer to catch a Fast train to Stockholm and catch there the direct Nighttrain to Narvik via Kiruna as it would count that way just one travelday of a Flexipass instead of two if you take the Route with a change in Boden :)

I tried to book the sleeping car from Boden to Stockholm via the SJ website as described above.

There is indeed a price difference for the couchette (240 SEK with Interrail / 1327 SEK without Interrail).

But in the sleeping cars the Interrail is not counted and the price remains the same as without Interrail (For example Private compartment 2 class 3095 SEK)

Is the Interrail valid in the sleeping cars of Vy Nattog and how can I book them?

I cannot enter the Interrail discount on the Vy website and Vy has not answered my question despite several requests.

This remains for now a kind of puzzle-same item has been posted here more as once the last 2-3 monthes and we did till now not yet get a clear answer. VY is in fact old NSB=NOrwegian trains who won the contract for this service a year or so ago-it seems they have still not yet everything finalised. It may indeed very well be possible they bar passholders from using a expensive place that they think can sell for much more on normal prices.

ALTernatively it may very well be that VY thinks its NOrwegian rulings-and these for now are much more strict for sleeper compartmts as SE=Sweden handles. This train starts from Narvik=NO.

So toss a coin”take the CC or stand on your principles and see what it delivers-with a fair chance the sleepers are all booked by then in hi-summer with the current Gretha-inspired boom in overnight trains in SE.

There was a question about the same train last week:

So you can book a bed in a shared sleeper compartment (SEK 470) but not a private sleeper compartment.

First of all, thank you very much for the quick answer. 

The fact that Vy no longer accepts Interrail for their sleeping cars is extremely annoying. This in contrast to the information on the Interrail homepage. It says that a double sleeper with private bathroom costs 50 € p.p. and a single sleeper with private bathroom: 75 €. In addition Vy does not respond to emails. A very strange business behaviour.

For us, the price difference between single tickets and Interrail was very small. We opted for Interrail for greater flexibility. Since Interrail is not valid for the longest part of our journey, we paid far too much.

Travelling in a couchette or shared compartment is out of the question for us. This is exactly why we bought our Interrails in first class.

It is a great pity that Interrail is being more and more often obstructed or even sabotaged by certain railway companies.
