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Hi, I am planning to go interrailing for three months, but I don't have a plan on where to go exactly. So I wanted to just make reservations as I go. I was wondering however how that would work with the physical reservations that you get in the post. Since I won't have an address because I'm traveling and I won't be in the same place for very long I was wondering how that works. Thank you, David

If you're on the road, don't order paper reservations via the Interrail website. Not only are they more expensive, you'll indeed never know where you'll be staying when they arrive.

Instead, buy them from the ticket office. Depending on the train you want to book, there may also be other websites where you can book reservations in electronic form.

Remember you're not obliged to book reservations via the Interrail website.

In some countries-IT,PL you must even have to go to the ticket counters, show pass, then get the reservations-and pay for it in IT, free in PL. This will be printed on a tipical ticket-style paper. Not that long ago it was really self-evident for any train user to think of it that way-funny how the fone changes all these mindsets of young people.

The most wanted and feared trains that must have paper REServations are the few INTernational trains to/fro FRance and ITaly-as rian already told- do that i a ticket office when you are sure about when/where. AND maybe even ask here how to avoid-by using slower local trains and changing more, to reduce or even avoid these! (not a general Q, ask specifically).

@mcadv  Many domestic Reservations in Poland can be done online since one year 🙂 (Currently doesn´t work for Nighttrains within Poland 😕 )
