Sorry (1st time user) I have purchase my Eurail Global passes, I am logged in, I am looking at booking seat reservations (for July), the departure time options on the left side of screen are each titled ‘seat reservations required’ and there is a from price listed.
Do I assume correctly this is the additional seat reservation fee and not the price of the train ticket? as I am already logged in (& I thus assume being logged in the system should recognise that I have a Eurail global pass paid for)….
The first leg Milan to Sion - references needing to buy a seat reservation to board, but in red writing states “Prices unavailable, no prices found etc etc” Eurail says this leg should be bookable upto 180days in advance. I believe this is a trenitalia train (EC 50) Eurocity,
When I goto the TrenItalia website, this train schedule for July is not yet available.
- Would peoples experience be that Prices unavailable popup is due to the train schedule being not yet released…., or sold out….? Any further suggestions on How I try to confirm this, To try to book seats etc would be greatly appreciated :)
For traveling Chamonix to Paris a few days later:
This train route has a variety of different trains to hop on, off to reach the destination, The final Leg GENEVE - PARIS (TGV) on the right main schedule column references - you need to buy a seat reservation to board and references over $90 (1st class)…. - I assume this is not a reservation seat fee, and that this is infact the train ticket fee….??