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Booking seats via - when I put the country, the button ''continue to traveller details is greyed out

I want to book a seat reservation for me and 4 others from Munich to Zagreb for an Euro Night train that leaves in 8 days (currently friday, train departs next saturday). However when I go to the interrail website and try to put in all the shipping and billing details the site does not let me continue.

Whilst in the menu of the order details, as soon as I put in the country the button of “continue to traveller details” goes from bright yellow to an unclickable grey filtered button. Is this because it is too close to the departure date? Or does anyone know if there is a different reason?

Shipping adress in Munich

Billing adress in the Netherlands

(Selecting the people that I go with is not an issue)

It could be this issue:

However, this night trains is best booked via ÖBB (and that will also be cheaper; Interrail add a 2€ booking fee per person and train). Do NOT use "Seat only” but add the "Interrail / Eurail” discount and then look for normal tickets.

Book ASAP. There are still some seats and couchettes available but who knows for how long.

@Wouter here a step by step guide for as suggest by rvdbrgt


The delivery time of the paper reservations is most likely considerably longer than 8 days so that should be the reason why you can't make the reservation at the Interrail/Eurail site.
