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Hi! I’m in Split, Croatia at the moment. My plan is to get from here to Greece before taking a ferry to Italy. The problem is that I can’t find any reasonable (train)connections from Croatia and to Greece. Apparently there aren’t any international trains from/to Greece at the moment but I’m also having difficult time trying to find trains from Croatia to any other direction than north to Budapest and Ljubljana for example. So, how can I get from Croatia to Greece. It doesn’t have to be direct connection as I don’t have any spesific plans and am more than happy to visit other neighbouring countries as well! Thanks in advance!

Currently no international service between Serbia-Croatia or Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Maybe in Summer there will be a service between Ploce-Metkovic-Sarajevo. Between Serbia and Croatia you can go if I am not wrong til a station change there walk over the custom check and than take a train on the other side, but I’m not sure.

Exactly. You can walk to Serbia at Tovarnik-Šid or Erdut-Bogojevo.

Maybe you can also call a Taxi, if you don't want to walk

If you want to go to RS/BIH, use a Bus or walk from Hrvatska Kostajnica to Dobrljin.

FRankly these ´solutions´ for walks/taxi over borders is only for dedicated trainfreaks-or those who think they have to use that pass to the MAX. It will lengthen travel time a lot and in the end even be more costly (if one also counts the cost of a travelday) as simply buying a ticket for a direct BUS all the way.

There are also-the hurdle is not yet over-NO trains over border from Serbije to Macedonia nor from Mac into GR-again you can do this bizarre shuffle, but as above.

Yes, in the distant past there were direct trains from München via old Yugoslavija to Athinai-named ´guest laborers train´ but that was < 2000.

  • from SPL the old time JadroLinija boatline along coast=as far as MOntenegro is no more. By train only way is go back to Zagreb=the long way around. Check what direct buses to that south are available for quickest way OR contemplate even a trip via Albania-pass of no use, but you can add a little visited country to your list of honours.
