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We’ve been traveling on our two month global pass, and the time it nearing to get back home in Portugal. We are currently in Bordeaux, France. We went to the station to make reservations for a trip back to Portugal next week, and the agent tells us all the trains in and out of Madrid (we have to go through Madrid) are FULLY BOOKED ALL OF NEXT WEEK? He said maybe a bus or a flight is our best option.

Has anyone else had this experience?

To be more exact: the very few DIRect trains FR-ES are fully taken in their quota for passholders. That makes quite a difference-and a challenge to be smarter. Alas on this route the once so nice direct overnite train from border FR/ES to Lisboa is no more and IF you insist on all bytrain it means a big detour via Mediterranee-Barcelona-Madrid. Profile says youre US so I do not quite et the ´back home in PT´ as you should then have noted this on the way out.

The best compromsie does need planning in shorter sectors -and the usual ´ESpana does not really want us´ fenomenon. Go by local TER till border =Hendaya, invest a few € in a EuskoTren ticket to Donostia (frequent small train), go to counter and hope for the best-or  call advance RENFE and try to get provisionla booking and code nr=to be exchanged at counter for the few direct trenes to Mad-it will then depend on where in PT works out best-read seat61.cvom for more tips and advice.

Was he talking about the direct train from France to Madrid or all reservable trains via Barcelona?

You could look at getting to Marseilles or nearby and taking local trains via Port Bou to Barcelona. Internal trains in Spain can only be booked in Spain via Renfe and its stations.

I assume Madrid to Portugal is not a problem, although a notoriously difficult routing.

Has anyone else had this experience?

Many people had this experience this summer. You didn't say which route you are planning but since SNCF can't book Spanish domestic trains, it's probably via Barcelona, which is quite a detour from Bordeaux. If you want to go via Barcelona, then look into using regional trains via Portbou.

Otherwise, go to Hendaye, use Euskotren to get into Spain (to Irún or San Sebastian) and then further to Portugal. Book any Spanish train via phone by calling RENFE (but you have to collect your reservations within 3 days after ordering).

Also see:

wow...thanks everyone so far for your replies. For almost six weeks now I’ve just been using the eurail app on my phone and we’ve been to 10 countries thus far, and it hasn’t been a problem, everything has gone smooth. Now we’re up against this….and yes...the app tells me that if I want to re-enter Portugal via the way we left...Madrid/Badajoz, we’re kinda stuck. We had no problem on the way out.

Again, thanks for the some work to do. It seemed quite odd that the eurail app took us so far out the the way from Bordeaux.

Thanks again,


The rail planner app is unreliable and should not be used to plan. You're lucky that you didn't run into any trains that didn't run but were still displayed  the app.

For Spain, you can use the DB planner (same coverage but much more up to date) or They both don't know Euskotren though. my Global Pass worth anything on these regional trains? my Global Pass worth anything on these regional trains?

SNCF and RENFE run regional trains and your pass will be valid. Euskotren does not accept Interrail but they're very cheap.
