Every time I try to book a train (Paris → Stuttgart) 20th July 10.55am I have absolutely no luck. I can select the seat reservation, add it to my cart and then when click on ‘confirm traveler details’ it redirects me back to to home page (and my cart is empty).
I’ve tried it with other reservations to see if it’s just that leg that isn’t working/no longer available (no luck same for anything I try to book). I tried changing browsers, clearing cache and cookies. Still no luck!
And before anyone suggests, yes I went to the train station and called and each time they offered me a reservation price of 60 euros (as opposed to 12 euros on the eurail booking portal). So that’s not a solution to what seems to me simply to be a bug with the Eurail website.
Has anybody else had the same problem and had any luck getting around this?
(I’ve been trying for two days now without any luck).