Hello. We will be first timers using the OBB system. We purchased tickets for 6 December departing at 7:40 AM from Vienna to Budapest. The tickets are Sparschiene tickets and are for train number RJX267. We received notice (below) that there was a change in the timetable and that our ticket is valid, but that we need to check for alternative trains/services. I checked the alternative services, and it looks like all that changed is that the RJX267 train leaves at 6:40 on 6 December rather than 7:40.
Is my understanding correct? Are we just to arrive earlier at the station and take the RJX267 train which now leaves at 6:40? Also, we purchased seat reservations when we bought our tickets. Do those seat reservations remain the same since the train number is the same?
Thanks in advance for your help!