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Change seat number on a TGV Lyria reservation

  • 3 October 2023
  • 3 replies

We have made seat reservations on the TGV Lyria Basel-Paris. Its a double decker train but we’ve been allocated lower deck seats -there was no choice on the Interrail seat reservation service.
Is it possible to change the seat reservation numbers to get an upper deck seat?

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Yeah Interrail/Eurail doesn’t offer seat selections (yet ?). That’s one of the reasons why it’s better to book through the railway company but it’s not always possible… SNCF removed that option a few years ago due to “people misusing that fonction” (aka buying a reservation only and not a ticket). Long story short : you may call SNCF and ask if they could change your seats (if you don’t get a friendly agent, call a second time) (Press #85 for English)

I have no personal experience but I can’t think of other options. Maybe Interrail customer support ?

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Does SNCF or TGV-Lyria have a ticket office in Basel? If so, they should be able to make the change.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

SNCF only has ticket machines but maybe any SBB ticket counter could help. However these trains tend to sell out a few days in advance, especially upper deck seats.
