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change seat reservation from no pets to pets allowed Norway

  • 17 August 2022
  • 2 replies


We want to travel with our two dogs true Norway. We made several seatreservations, but at this moment we have to change our tickets because you need special seats were dogs are aloude. Is there someone who knows were you van change this? Greetings from Ilona 

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

I doubt that you can change your reservation so I think you need to make new reservations. I think that the best is to call Entur and ask them for help.


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Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Spreek/ken je norsk?

Probeer ook eerst de site van de railway-VY of Go-Ahead (mogelijk nog andere) en check wat daar evt staat over ´endringe reservasjonen´ -rejse med djyr.

Klopt dat in hel Scandinavie er zeer strenge regels en bepalingen zijn over dieren meenemen-als ´anti-allergiker´
