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Hi folks, i’m having a little difficulty. I booked reservations on the eurail website for the eurostar for June 10th, and then realised I wanted to change reservation to June 9th. I was able to do this easily on the eurostar website, as they let you change the time/date of a ticket up to 7days before travel.

However, I now have tickets for the 9th, but my reservations on my pass still says I have reservations for the 10th, and I don’t want to use the 10th as a travel day (or risk the reservations not working for some reason!).

If I cancel the reservation on here (using the trash bin icon as suggested on the Reservations Overview page) will that void my new ticket, on the 9th, and give me a refund (that I don’t want)? Or will it just get rid of the ‘reservation’ that I no longer have a ticket for anyway, and free up that travel day?

Any ideas?




  1. What do you mean by "reservations on my pass”? The app does not contain any reservations. Pass and reservations are separate.
  2. If you have changed your reservations via Eurostar, forget about the original ones. Specifically, do not cancel them, since that will indeed void your reservations.

  1. What do you mean by "reservations on my pass”? The app does not contain any reservations. Pass and reservations are separate.
  2. If you have changed your reservations via Eurostar, forget about the original ones. Specifically, do not cancel them, since that will indeed void your reservations.

I meant reservations that appear on the “Reservations Overview” page on my Eurail account. but maybe they don’t count directly towards the pass.


Great that’s what I was assuming - won’t cancel those ones, thanks
