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DB raising the prices of seat reservations from July 9th onwards

  • 4 June 2024
  • 2 replies

Hi to everyone! Just a quick heads up that DB (Deutsche Bahn – German Railways) is raising the price of reservations (as stated in the new version of their general transport conditions).


From July 9th onwards:

  • 2nd class: 5,20 € per journey (former price: 4,90 €)
  • 1st class: 6,50 € per journey (former price: 5,90 €)


DB's 1st class flex price still has the reservation included.


  • 2nd class family reservation: 10,40 € per journey (former price: 9,80 €)
  • 1st class family reservation: 13,00 € per journey (former price: 11,80 €)


Keep in mind that reservations from ÖBB or ČD still cost 3 € or 76 CZK respectively. But they're only convenient if you just reserve seats on one train since they charge you per train rather than per journeys (like DB does). So if you'd like to reserve seats on a journey which at least includes one change, DB is still cheaper.


Eurail/Interrail still charges 6 € plus a 2 € service fee for a reservation.

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

The price change is from 9 June.

ÖBB don't charge for a new reservation when you change in Austria. Even multiple changes in Austria will result in a single €3 fee, also on international journeys.

The price change is from 9 June.

ÖBB don't charge for a new reservation when you change in Austria. Even multiple changes in Austria will result in a single €3 fee, also on international journeys.

Sorry for my slip of the pen. Of course I meant June 9th.
