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Hello all,

I am planning to go from Paris to Prague by train this saturday, via Stuttgart, Munich and Schwandorf. I have only 10 or 15 minutes for the connections, so I am worried to not have enough time. If someone here knows these routes and stations, could you tell me if I will have enough time ?


Here is the detail : 10 mins for the connection in Stuttgart, 16mins in Munich, and 10 mins in Schwandorf.

That's usually enough time.

Should be enough :)

You can use a Railplanner like DB Navigator or of german rail to look for spare routes

like Stuttgart - Nürnberg - Schwandorf - Prague or Stuttgart - Nürnberg - Cheb - Prague

the train Munich - Schwandorf - Prague goes every 2hrs :)

IF they run on time its enough.

BUT-having used a 2-month IR and mostly in Germany last monthes-the timekeeping on DB, esp. long distance, is abysmal. Delays are very, very common, if not regular but train nr 2 may also be even more late-or not. Plus that (doing same trip from Plzen to Stuttgart) there were also unannounced delays in CZ as part of it was bus substitute(what you only learn when you have to change).

DB has an infopoint at every main station and they can help you out if such things occur and you have to replan. But using your own app/ is probably just as good and quicker.


Thank you for your replies, it helped a lot!

I am now planning to go back to France and I have the same problem. I would like to take a train from Munich to Paris with a connection in Stuttgart. But I only have 7 minutes for the transfer. Do you think it's too risky?

Thank you! 

I am now planning to go back to France and I have the same problem. I would like to take a train from Munich to Paris with a connection in Stuttgart. But I only have 7 minutes for the transfer. Do you think it's too risky?

Maybe. Please post the complete timetable of this journey; then it's easier to judge.

Here it is. 

In Stuttgart, the trains will be opposite each other at the same platform (10 => 9).

However, ICE 690 does not seem very punctual. It looks safer to take IC 1296 at 7:46 (assuming it runs on the day you want to travel).

On the other hand, if having at least a 2.5 hour delay is no problem, in case you miss the connection, then of course you can take ICE 690.
