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Hi there,

I'm trying to submit the Delay Compensation form but it just doesn't work.

Every time after I clicked submit, the browser automatically cleared all the information I put in and I didn't get any submission confirmation.

I have changed browsers and even laptops, it didn't help.

I cannot find any email to contact regarding this issue either.

Please help!

Many thanks!

The best way to contacted Customer Support through this form.

Customer Support is currently overloaded with requests so you will have to be patient to get help.



You CAN only get a minor tiny sum in compensation if you have managed to get at least 3 delays of > 1 hr during whole use of pass. UNless you are completely broke or determined to press every penny out of it-best advice is to simply forget it and treat it as learning curve on how trains work.

You CAN only get a minor tiny sum in compensation if you have managed to get at least 3 delays of > 1 hr during whole use of pass.

@mcadv PLEASE STOP spreading this outdated information. This must be the 5th time I write this. PLEASE read the compensation page and inform yourself!
