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Hi I recently just booked a 4 bed couchette for the Berlin > Zurich night train. I booked for 3 people, which include myself (male) and my two friends (females). I just have a couple questions: 


  1. Will we be sharing the same couchette? It says we are in the same coach but have different accommodation numbers (please see attached photo for screenshot of ticket)
  2. If ÖBB tries to segregate males and females, will we be separated? If not, what will happen with 4th spot in the couchette if there are both a male and females already in the couchette?


Any help would be appreciated, thanks :)

  1. Yes, these are in the same compartment. Also see the seating plan on this page. If you're in separate compartments, ÖBB warn before payment.
  2. Couchettes are mixed gender, except for some female-only compartments. You won’t be separated.
  3. The 4th berth will very probably be taken by somebody else, male or female. It's summer and this route is very popular, so expect the train to be fully booked.

Thank you !
