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I purchased 2 seat reservations through OBB for Milano Centrale to Firenze SMN 11th of Dec. This is supposedly for a travel day. I indicated in the booking that we will be using our global pass. Paid 20 euros for them. Our plans have changed and we do not wish to use a travel day for this trip. Below are my questions:

1. Since I indicated in the booking that we will use our global passes, that means we don't actually have tickets and just have seats, correct?

2. If number one is correct, how do I go about purchasing tickets for the same train and not make seat reservations since we already have the seats?

I hope you could help. This is our first Europe trip. TIA


  1. yes, you need a valid ticket. Seat reservation is not enough. 

the reservation is included in the price of normal one way tickets. So it is not possible to pay less if you have a reservation. This work so on all trains that run as Global Price trains. You will find it in Italy, France or Spain. Specially in east Europe could be possible to put non-reservation ticket + reservation, but not in Italy. Other countries like Switzerland, Germany, Czech Republic or Austria, have only optional reservations for long distance trains. And almost all trains in Belgium or Netherlands are reservation not possible (except High Speed trains Paris/London-Brussel-Amsterdam).

I can only suggest you check with the T&Cs on your OBB reservation on the cancellation options. 
