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We had to make some changes to travel plans due to COVID and I’m trying to reserve the TGV from Paris to Strasbourg in December 21st but it is not allowing me to do so, it seems that they are all booked all the way to February. I have a reservation on the return trip Strasbourg to Paris a few days later. Does that make sense, or is it an error?





I searched via B-Euope (4€ Servicefee) and found plenty of trains even few with the limited 10€ reservations 🙂 B-Europe Page for Domestic Reservations within France 

Thanks!! However, I can’t see any available trips from my side on that website at all, do you know if it has anything to do with my IP address being in Canada?

I tried with a Canadian IP but also saw plenty of availability.

Which exact train are you trying to book?

Thanks!! I see them now, you are a lifesaver.



I also find tickets available via the interrail website, for 12 euros. If you say exactly when you want to leave, I can see which train is still available, so what time I mean.
