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Hello all,

In about a week I will be flying from England to Zaragoza before travelling throughout Europe with my Interrail pass (4 days in a month). I have chosen the trains I’d like to get and am happy with booking most of the seat reservations through the Interrail website. However, there are a couple of trains with mandatory seat reservations which I’m unable to book through the website. I’ll give two examples:

8th July: Zaragoza-Delicias - Barcelona-Sants. Seat reservation is required and said to cost €10, however there is apparently no way for me to buy it online and the only way to buy it is at the station.

15th July: Torino Porta Nuova - Piacenza. Seat reservation is required and said to cost only €3, however the only way I’m told I can book it is through the ItaliaRail website. On this site, I can’t find any way to just book a reservation, despite following the instructions on the FAQ page.


I’d like to know if it’s a good idea to wait and buy these reservations at the station a few days before when I arrive in Europe, or if theres a large enough likelihood of them being sold out for it to not be worth the risk, in which case I’d rework my schedule to only use trains that have seats I can reserve online.

Thanks all for the help and apologies in advance if this is a stupid question; this is my first time using long-haul European trains and I just want to eliminate risk.


15th July can be reserved via if its a daytrain 

Yes-it is as it is-in ESpana on RENFE-daily nominated as worst for passes here-its at counter. As the hi-speed AVE run ev hour-or even more in peaks-you will find a seat on short notice-if youre not overly fussed about 10.20 or 10.33.

In case you need more: find the overveiw by seewulf-often linked by Anna from Sverige to same requests-on howtodoit by yourself via other means.It_rl hasstopped doing RES only-in fact this was just an American from near BOS/Mass making some pocket money by doing it to ignorants for a few dimes.
