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How to get an emailed reservation, not a mailed one?

  • 21 May 2022
  • 3 replies


I am trying to book a ticket two weeks away in Norway, I live in the states. Whenever I try to book I get the message that my tickets would take to long to ship, and I need to provide a European address. When I provide the address off my hotel in Norway, it still gives me the same message. 

Is it possible to change the option to have my reservations emailed so I can print them myself? I hear of this option, but I cannot seem to locate it. Help! 

Wich train do you need a reservation? Maybe you can get it via an other operator via email. When says only by mail you only get this (by by mail. But others sometimes can send you it by mail. 


For Norway, it's best to call Entur (page down to Norway). Reservations are sent via e-mail.

And that way you also do not need to print anything. Just show on fone-or maybe not even that if you sit in right seat/day/train.

IF you are IN NO for a few days and use trains not right away: can also do it at the very few still in use counters with personal service (in the major cities), same price. No, trains are not booked solid weeks advacne-it would make no sense at all to have a system as that.
