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Hi guys,

i will travel in August in Scandinavia and my planned end is in Helsinki but i will have a few travel days over for my trip home. But: how? There are really no informations (you cant find tallin in the interrail train search), so yeah, has someone a way to get from tallinn to warsaw by train and at best without seat reservations? 🙂 i really have a bit time and a tent, so i dont care if its get a bit chaotic, but i am really trying to dont use a bus :D

thanks and have a nice evening has this info-its as such possible for train-lover diehards.

Normal people take a bus. As it means waiting for hours in some godforlorn tiny village on border for next train, There are also some reports that the conductresses in EE have trouble with accepting the pass-they force you to buy normal ticket.

Onward: its bus again; NO trains at all over border Latvia_LT=LIetuvo=Lithuania, and only summer, weekends, 1 train Kaunas-Suwalki-BIalystok to reach PL. Again seat61 will help you.
