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Few weeks back I reserved seats for a train from Paris to Geneva via eurail. The rail company is SNCF. The train ride is starting from 2:16PM and finishing at 5:29PM.

Then after few days, I received an email response from SNCF that they they had to modify the trip. The modified train ride is starting from 2:16PM and finishing at 5:46PM. The train number has not changed.

So it is only a change of the arrival time of the same train. 

The email sent by SNCF includes “please make sure to refresh it in your app or re-print it.”. From eurail account, I still see the old seat reservation.


Can someone help me if I keep using my existing seat reservation OR how can I generate the new seat reservation? 

Maybe you can get an updated reservation via the SNCF website.

On the other hand, I don't see how this could be a legal requirement. Your reservation is valid and remains valid. Maybe they just want to make sure you don't forget the arrival time has changed.

Can be ignored. It MAy have result IF you encounter a delay, which is counted from 1 hr after ARRival time. But by using a pass you must have at least 3 delays to even get a tiny compensation. Or it may result in a missed connection further onward. But In Swiss all trains run at least hourly-quoite different from FR

But by using a pass you must have at least 3 delays to even get a tiny compensation. 

@mcadv You've been told before that this is not the case anymore. Please do not repeat outdated information. There is compensation for every delay of at least 1 hour.

Thank you all. I contacted SNCF and they said the ticket was bought through SNCB. So SNCF suggested to contact SNCB to see if SNCB can provide an updated seat reservation. I am still waiting for an update from SNCB.


@rvdborgt , would you mind explain a bit on “There is compensation for every delay of at least 1 hour.”? I am new to the eu rail system.

would you mind explain a bit on “There is compensation for every delay of at least 1 hour.”?

That is a consequence of an EU regulation. You're entitled to a compensation if you have at least a one hour delay at the destination of your journey. For regular tickets, this is 25% after 1 hour or 50% after 2 hours. For travel passes, it's a bit different but you can find details for Eurail here.

I wouldn't normally get an updated reservation, since the delay is calculated against the timetable at the time of booking and an updated reservation does not reflect that timetable anymore.

Hey I’ve come across the same problem with my seat reservation for a train from Strasbourg to Stuttgart. The original time of departure was 15.45 and arrival time was 17.04, now I’ve received an e-mail that the arrival time will be delayed to 17.25 while the time of departure will remain the same.

The e-mail also says to re-print the ticket, but I’ve made the seat reservation via Interrail and can’t access any updated reservation, in my Interrail account the reservation still has the outdated arrival time.

Will my old seat reservation still be accepted or has anyone found a way to access an updated version? Any help would be highly appreciated :)

Hey I’ve come across the same problem with my seat reservation for a train from Strasbourg to Stuttgart. The original time of departure was 15.45 and arrival time was 17.04, now I’ve received an e-mail that the arrival time will be delayed to 17.25 while the time of departure will remain the same.

The e-mail also says to re-print the ticket, but I’ve made the seat reservation via Interrail and can’t access any updated reservation, in my Interrail account the reservation still has the outdated arrival time.

Will my old seat reservation still be accepted or has anyone found a way to access an updated version? Any help would be highly appreciated :)

There is nothing to do. Your reservation is valid and the departure time is still the same.

If you have a tight onward connection you may need to adjust that accordingly, but that’s all.

Okay thanks so much! I've included quite generous time slots for switching so there should be no problem. I'm just curious, if there would be more serious changes to trains I've made reservations for, would there be any option to access updated reservations if needed?
