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It is my first time traveling with Eurail. I want to make sure that I will be able to get a train into popular cities at the most ideal times, but I cannot figure out how to reserve seats when they don’t require you to. I would prefer to have a seat reserved on every train I’m taking so that I don’t have to worry about not being able to take a train, is this possible?

thank you!

If you give some more details on where you plan to travel, you will hopefully get good advice here.

I am traveling to Paris and Amsterdam next week. Unfortunately, it seems there are not any reservations left? I am worried that all of the seats have been reserved because the Eurail site will not let me reserve a seat even when it is required. 

Thank you for your help!

From Paris to Amsterdam? When? Is that your only trip?

I am traveling to Paris from Saumur (on may 26th) and then from Paris to Amsterdam (on may 28th). I will then be traveling elsewhere, but I am mostly worried about these two major cities because the site will not let me reserve seats there on those days. 


Hi, I am also having this same problem. I am traveling from Paris to Amsterdam on the 25th

Hi, I am also having this same problem. I am traveling from Paris to Amsterdam on the 25th

I have tried the website again and it worked, I was able to book my reservations and get my seat confirmations. It look an hour of trying though

Hi, I am also having this same problem. I am traveling from Paris to Amsterdam on the 25th

There is still availability on these trains:

