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Hi there!

I‘ve been wondering how I could use my mobile pass as a bus ticket. As for train rides, you need to select your train in the app to activate the ticket, but I can‘t find any bus connections. I‘d like to use it in the city of Zurich and to just spontaneously hop on a bus or other city transport. Do you know how this works?


It doesn’t.

Interrail is not valid for city bus, tram and in many cases metro networks.

Details where your pass is valid.


Also the Rail Network Guides section under the More tab in the planner app.

ONLY bus that-sometimes-will take passes are those that run as rail-replacement-as there are agin works a;ong the tracks. In some countries very frequent, in others hardly any. These buses will nearly always have some sign they ´run for railway X´. Hardly ever tickets are checked on them, BTW. If its part of the way-just follow crowd-you are tipically not only 1 in trains.
