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I only found out that, the reservations from the website don't show up on the app, after I had already booked them. I think I accidentally created two trips (one on the website and one in the app), but I only have one pass. Should I just show the inspector my ticket reservations from the website alongside my pass on my phone? Will I have troubles? I'm afraid that if I delete the trip from the website, my reservations will be gone and I can't delete the trip on my phone (although I haven't bought anything yet).

Also different question but I made a mistake while putting in my city of birth for my account on the website. Is that going to be a problem? After all the mistake doesn't show up on the tickets and everything else e.g. my ID, name, etc. are all correct.

Thanks for your help!

website and app are not linked together. 

you need the reservation you get + you have to add the journey in the app (my pass) to get an QR-Code to show it. This is your Ticket. Reservation is on top

City of birth does not mean a thing-I doubt in fact if that is even asked for in the real pass, I cannot remember ever having been asked-and have used nearly 20 passes in the last years.

As for RES it remains unclear to what you mean-probably due to not knowing how it works. In most cases the RES is not even asked for-you may need it if seat is taken by some ignorant dumbo who does not want to vacate it. Except for those where the RES is an additional fare-mostly those FR TGV and €* and the ESpanol AVE-most also have entry checks for that.

RES are always separate from the app with the trips, most come in your mailbox and may show a bar or QR code

Do you mean that you have the wrong country of residence in your pass? 

The country of residence is where you live now. 

Thanks everyone!
