
Inbound night train issue

  • 14 September 2023
  • 2 replies

this bug has been reported many times on the forum. It is marked “solved” everywhere. However, it is obviously not solved, since I fell into the trap only yesterday. Hence, I raise it again in the hope this will annoy the team enough to actually do something about it.

The problem: If you book a trip back into your home country with a night train, which arrives the following day in your home country, the app will mark the departure day as your return trip. Hence, you have lost your inbound day without doing one minute or one mile of traveling in your home country.

I know the answer in

However, you are unlikely to find this answer, unless you actually fell into the trap. This is a serious bug, since it cheats people of their inbound trip. It needs fixing.

Best regards,



Best answer by Olga. 20 September 2023, 11:11

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2 replies

Userlevel 1

this bug has been reported many times on the forum. It is marked “solved” everywhere. However, it is obviously not solved, since I fell into the trap only yesterday. Hence, I raise it again in the hope this will annoy the team enough to actually do something about it.

The problem: If you book a trip back into your home country with a night train, which arrives the following day in your home country, the app will mark the departure day as your return trip. Hence, you have lost your inbound day without doing one minute or one mile of traveling in your home country.

I know the answer in

However, you are unlikely to find this answer, unless you actually fell into the trap. This is a serious bug, since it cheats people of their inbound trip. It needs fixing.

Best regards,


Hello Hans! It is not a bug but more of a planning issue. If the night train doesn't stop within the home country it won't activate an inbound/outbound journey unless you choose it as one. As explained in the link that you added, if the night train stops to a destination outside the home country, the inbound/outbound journey won’t be activated.

Well, whether it is a bug or a feature ist debatable. Fact is, the inbound journey is used up without travelling in the home country at all, thus wasting the inbound journey. I understand this is an advantage if the night train stops at the traveller's final destination, but it is simply a waste of the inbound day in all other cases. Thus, the App should make it clear and at least offer a choice.

I must admit, I was very upset when I realised I had lost my inbound journey. After all, I had paid for it. So forgive me, if I sound grumpy. Otherwise Interrail was a great experience. Overall, I am very happy and I will certainly use it again, making sure not to fall into the same trap again.

Best regards,

