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Dear Interrail community, 

We would like to book train tickets to Edinburgh from Nice (France) on August 04th. The routes are as follows: 

Nice - Paris (SNCF)
Paris - London (Interrail)
London - Edinburg

We have already booked tickets for the Eurostar train (Paris-London)

For the Nice-Paris route, Interrail has proposed several departure times. We are interested in the train that leaves Nice at 07:57 to arrive in Paris early enough before taking the Eurostar train.

The problem is that this train is not proposed on the SNCF website. 

We read on your website that the timetables may not be up to date on the Interail website. Therefore, the train leaving Nice at 07:57 would not exist. 

However, how to know if a train will be proposed by Interrail to arrive in Paris with enough time to take the next train to London? 

Thank you in advance. 

Hard to say what's happening here. SNCF sent their timetables to the European Timetable Centre and that included the 7:57 TGV from Nice to Paris on 4 August. You can also see it in the DB planner and others. But it doesn't appear (anymore?) on the SNCF website. It can probably mean 2 things: SNCF decided to cancel this train after all (and a timetable update will then also be sent to the European Timetable Centre so other planners can also be updated), or booking for this train is not open yet, maybe because the timetable is not final yet.

The best party to know is SNCF. They run the train, not Interrail, so ask them.
