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Informations travel days

  • 1 February 2022
  • 1 reply



Je voudrais savoir si les jours de voyage doivent être défini à l'avance pour l'utilisation d'un pass x jours sur 1 mois ? Ou s'il est possible d'utiliser un jour de voyage sur un "coup de tête" ? J'aurais également aimé savoir s'il existe une solution pour voyager sur deux pays uniquement ? Et si non, un trajet transfrontalier est-il possible ?


Merci d'avance !

You don't have to plan anything. And you can change any plan on a moment's notice. The only problem could then be with trains with mandatory reservations (although there are often alternatives).

There are no passes that are valid in 2 countries. There are only global passes and one country passes. Well, and the Benelux pass of course.

If you have 2 one country passes of neighbouring countries, then you can also make international journeys between these 2 countries. But you also look if the global pass is cheaper. Or a pass for one country and normal tickets for the other country. It will all depend on the countries involved and your specific travel plans.
