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Man, do I regret purchasing this mobile interrail pass. I need to get from Amsterdam to Dax (region) around 14/15th of July. Quite flexible with times. However this has been a complete nightmare.

First off, the availability of the Thalys from AMS - PARIS is almost none - on any time or any day. Interrail is selling way too many tickets and not accounting for the very FEW reservations they can take at Thalys. Next best on alternative routes I am forced to shop three separate tickets, with three separate companies.

Turns out, I can only buy a ticket through b-europe if I have a cover pass number. Only available to paper passes and not my digital pass. Since Interrail doesn't have customer support, I now face weeks of backlogged customer support, and probably won’t get a reply to my email until it’s way past July.

I did not even touch base about the horrible interface and weird features of the app that supposedly allows me to “plan” everything I need. I am not even able to make reservations in there with their biggest partners.

The website claims that I can also make reservations in any major city. I visited two (Amsterdam and Brussels) and in both stations I was told the international office can not help with interrail tickets. Thanks for that non-sense.

What an absolute scam. Apparently I am also not legible for refund. Even though the pass was unused but probably activated by accident using their really poorly designed and poorly functioning app.

In addition, their feature says “come back in a few hours” when in fact, this ticket system has never worked at all, since I checked for various days over various weeks.


The website claims that I can also make reservations in any major city. I visited two (Amsterdam and Brussels) and in both stations I was told the international office can not help with interrail tickets.

They can book reservations though, also for France, without any booking fees, without requiring pass cover numbers etc. Did you ask them?

What an absolute scam. Apparently I am also not legible for refund. Even though the pass was unused but probably activated by accident using their really poorly designed and poorly functioning app.

The pass is only activated if you go through the activation steps and explicitly choose your start date.

The website claims that I can also make reservations in any major city. I visited two (Amsterdam and Brussels) and in both stations I was told the international office can not help with interrail tickets.

They can book reservations though, also for France, without any booking fees, without requiring pass cover numbers etc. Did you ask them?

Yeah, I did. Try calling NS International yourself with any booking related to Interrail, and they’ll tell you no. They’ll wish you good luck and even speak poorly of interrail.. 

What an absolute scam. Apparently I am also not legible for refund. Even though the pass was unused but probably activated by accident using their really poorly designed and poorly functioning app.

The pass is only activated if you go through the activation steps and explicitly choose your start date.

In that case I might be lucky however I emailed them about it and reached out through FB messenger that was forwarded to an operator and haven’t received a response since.

The website claims that I can also make reservations in any major city. I visited two (Amsterdam and Brussels) and in both stations I was told the international office can not help with interrail tickets.

They can book reservations though, also for France, without any booking fees, without requiring pass cover numbers etc. Did you ask them?

Yeah, I did. Try calling NS International yourself with any booking related to Interrail, and they’ll tell you no. They’ll wish you good luck and even speak poorly of interrail.. 

I haven't called them myself yet but I've read multiple reports from people who were able to book reservations through them, by phone or at a ticket office.

If they explicitly refused to book reservations for you, then please let me know date, time and location (phone or which ticket office). And please also file a complaint.
