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Is a photo of a reservation valid aswell?

  • 2 March 2022
  • 3 replies

Situation: I want to travel from Barcelona to Paris with the TGV 9708 INOUI but the only way to book a reservation is by getting the ticket sent to an address. But by the time that the ticket will arrive, I’ll already be on my way back to Germany.

Will a photo of the reservation get accepted (e.g. a family member at home sends me a pic of it)? Or do I need to have the papers with me when a ticket inspector asks for a reservation?

A photo is definitely not the same.

If you're currently in France or Spain, just go to the ticket office.

If you're still at home: I see you're from Germany. Deutsche Bahn can also book this reservation, either at a ticket office or via phone (030 5512 should get you to the international service directly, or otherwise use the general number 030 2970; collection via a DB ticket machine should be possible).

Sometimes, DB staff say they can't make a reservation for this train but they definitely can, as long as there are still seats for pass holders available. You may need to insist (friendly of course) that they can really do it. Others passengers succeeded in buying it from DB before :)

(Hints: they need to go via direct reservation (Direktreservierung / manuelle Eingabe), enter the train number, tariff code 44 (TC44) and the class as T, C or P (not as 1 or 2). T is equivalent to 2nd class.)

Thanks a lot! I’ll try that

Own exper: NO foto is not enough-the RES ticket also serves as entry for the gates that nearly ALL stations for TGV/AVE have and in Espana there are also always manual checks. Certainly in FR and mostly also ES your covid pass will be checked too then!

  1. This direct train B->P=only 1/day is often booked solid for IR weeks advance and leads to many lamented complaints about this. You CAN avoid this and also cut the quite high extra supplmt by:
  2. use local=Rodalies train to Cerbere=first stop in FR, ev 2 hrs direct from all Barca stops.
  3. change into local TER to Perpignan or better Narbonne or even MOntpellier and the TGV from there (much more chance at finding a cheaper 10€/seat
