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Hi All, 

I have been trying all evening to book for an 8th April morning train from London St. Pancras to Brussels via Eurostar. I was having issues getting any sort of booking for 2nd class even though on the Eurostar website itself there are still available slots for morning trains. 

I have been trying my best to lurk around other posts and have found info on requesting Pass Cover Number from the support staff on this site but wanted to check in and see if it was also possible to book directly at St. Pancras Eurostar booking desk. 


EUR 9116 is the train I am trying to reserve for.


I am trying to board the 10 AM train on the 8th of April (in a few hours), wondering if it still possible to do so. I read that tickets need to be booked at least 3 hours in advance ? Or would it be best to just try and input my order number that was on email which is also 8 digit as the pass cover number substitute to just get the ability to book the reservation through the ThalysB website ? 


My understanding through browsing the posts is that Eurostar online reservations is a headache, and there is potentially a quota on the number of passholders allowed to book on any given train?


sorry if am asking a very over asked question. 



There s still availability on train 9116 but it does not leave at 10 am, it leaves at 9:01 and the check-in closes half an hour before that.

On the Interrail website, you can only book until 3 hours before departure. I can get to the payment page, so it seems to work.
You can also book via Belgian railways, which does not have a 3-hour limit, but you need a pass cover number. The pass cover number is not the order number.
I suppose you can also buy a reservation directly at the Eurostar terminal but you need to be early enough so you have time to do that and then check in.

The number of pass holder seats on Eurostar is limited indeed and you're lucky there are still available on a Friday only hours in advance.
