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Hello there!


Can someone please help me with this trip?

I’m trying to get a train on 13th august at 23h51 from Ljubliana to Venezia Mestre, but the tickets from Ljubliana to Villach HBF (is necessary to stop here to go to Venezia) doesn’t show up. That means they are sold out? Is it possible to book on the day at the station?

Here if I seach Ljubliana to Venezia Mestre:

Here if I search only Ljubliana to Villach HBF:

I’m searching on OBB website.


Do you know if exists other train company that makes this trip? 

If I search this trip on interrail website shows me this:

Thanks a lot!!

I don’t know why it doesn’t show you a price. In the ÖBB App I could buy it for 13th. Just price is ridiculous high. 14€ for the reservation.

not sure if you can get the reservation cheaper in Slovenia. It is unlikely that the train will be sold out, so you could try to get it in Slovenia

Vill-IT cost at least the usual 10€ extra for this applies to ALL such EC trains if trip also covers Italy.

For NightJet 14€ is indeed usual price for seat-REServ.

In your case I would suggest to stay one more night in Ljubljana and to use the first train of the day to Trieste from Ljubljana at 6-7am and then change there to the first regional train to Venice. Both no reservation needed.

EN Ljubljana-Villach maybe need a reservation (14€) and the NJ Villach-Venice need a reservation (14€). And you use 2 travel days.
