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We want to travel from Madrid to Lisbon in July. However there are no routes available yet so is there any chance to look it up elswhere?
Afterwards we want to travel from Lisbon to Valencia. Is this possible to do in one day and if yes, any suggestions which route is the best?
Thanks in advance :)

It's a long journey as connections between Spain and Portugal are notoriously bad (until the high-speed line opens in a few years).

Have a look at

Trains are probably not on sale yet for July.

For Lisbon to Valencia, the quickest route (other than flying) is to retrace your steps to Madrid (times in the link that @thibcabe gives), and that gives you just enough time to get the 2100 AVE to Valencia. 

It’s a long day, but doable.

Alternatively, you could get to Sevilla (by bus either from Lisbon, or from the south of Portugal) and spend the night - it’s a lovely city. There are direct trains from Sevilla to Valencia

Thanks for the recommendations I think we’ll take a bus from Lisbon to Sevilla.
