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Hello Community,

I purchased a paper pass yesterday and I would like to make seat reservations for some of my train journeys, especially eurostar as I am worried they will sell out but it says I need my pass cover number which it says will be on my ticket that may only arrive on 25th July and I am planning to travel 29th July...

Is it possible to find out my pass cover number and make bookings before the paper copy arrives, otherwise can I change it to be a mobile version to avoid the problem?



Thanks for your advice. In the end I tweeted Interrail and they responded within half an hour and provided me a provisional pass cover number so I was able to make a booking, You are correct there is basically no availability left on eurostars for when I am looking to travel but there was a few spaces left on 07.04am departure on 30th july to brussels so adjusting my plans to suit that!


But there may be other ways to make that RES: by calling railway concerned. Find the general overveiw by seewulf on howtodoit-saves money too

Note that you will have no chance at all to find seat on €*-seeing youre GB-in the next 2-3 weeks.
