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i want to book a Interrail Ticket for September for a group. As we travel by train in Sweden, we will need seat reservations. And to be sure to have the seats, i want to do the reservations now. Until september, the passport of one of our group will expire, so i have to change the passport number. Because of this, i think, the Interrail Pass must be changed, Can i do the seat reservation now with the old one, will the Number of the Interrail Pass change due for the new ID?

Extra question: We will have the paper version of the pass, because we will travel for 7 days in the wild, and it might be a risk, the our mobiles won’t survive the harh swedish weather, or that we wont have internet to activate the pass the day before. If we change the paper version, the will be a fee of 15€. Will be there  extra shipping costs?

Thank you very much for your help

With best regards


If you only will travel to/from Sweden, there might be cheaper ways than using a global Interrail pass. Have you checked that?

When are you travelling? To where? How many are there in the group?

You can make seat reservation in Sweden before you buy the pass.

Und noch mal-es bleibt ja wunderbar dass angeblich viele dies gar icht wissen: mann kann auf Papier sofort bei DB ins Reisecenter kaufen-allerdings MUSS bei Papier sogleich die nicht aenderbare Von/Bis herauf-und selbstvrstdtl Pass/ID-nr. Das koennte also billiger auskommen wenn es Versand zu zahlen sei-was ich wohl denke. Und dabei immer bangen ob es dann doch ins Briefkasten kommt.

Daneben: sehr viel andere Moeglichkeiten etwa halbwegs billig auf Schienen nach SE zu gelangen gibt es nicht -mehr.


we want to travel to the Sarek Nationalpark in North Sweden. We are 5 in our group.

The travel plan is:

02.09 Munich to Berlin 15:56 -19:54 via DB Germany

02.09 Berlin - Stockholm 20:58 -14:15 via Snalltaget

03.09 Stockholm - Murjek 18:11 -06:57 via Vy railway company

04.09 Murjek - Kvikkjock 9:00 - 12:10 via Bus

And the way back:

12.09 Kvikkjokk - Murjek 5:20 -12:10 via Bus

12.09  Murjek - Stockholm 16:41-06:27 via VY railway

13.09 Stockholm - Berlin 16:15 -8:58 via Snalltaget

14.09 Berlin - Munich 9:37-14:04 via DB Germany

Is there a cheaper way than buying a Interrail Ticket?

Is it possible to make seat reservations, before buying a ticket? Because if on the websites of the two swedish railway companies i could reserve a seat with buying a ticket.

Yes, i know that the mobile pass is much easier to handle than the paper version, but i fear, that our mobiles wont survive traveling to North Sweden with lots of rain. And you need to activate a traveling day the day before you start it, and that means that you have to have a internet connection.

If i buy now a paper version ticket, will i get the Interrail Number via Email too, or have i to wait for the post mail?


You need to make the calculations yourself to see what is cheaper. You need to decide if you want to sit or sleep during the night and compare the different prices. 

The reservation fee for a seat with Snälltåget is 199 SEK and for a bed in a couchette it is 399 or 499 SEK.

Snälltåget is not running from Stockholm to Berlin on 13/9.

You can see if you can check the Interrail price for the night trains in Sweden at, see the guide in the link. You can at least check the normal ticket prices through


Yes, i have checked that we will travel via Interrail cheaper.

We will sleep in coughettes.

If i buy a paper version ticket, will i get the Ticket number immediatly after buying with a email or later with the post?

Can someone answer me this questiom? It would be good to know :)



If i buy a paper version ticket, will i get the Ticket number immediatly after buying with a email or later with the post?

Can someone answer me this questiom? It would be good to know :)


You will get the Pass Cover Number with the paper pass. But you can ask Customer Support to send you a PCN if you need it for making bookings.

If you are in Germany you can buy the paper pass at some DB ticket offices. 

You can't change a passport number on a paper pass. Then you need to make an exchange of the whole paper pass.


i want to book a Interrail Ticket for September for a group. As we travel by train in Sweden, we will need seat reservations. And to be sure to have the seats, i want to do the reservations now. Until september, the passport of one of our group will expire, so i have to change the passport number. Because of this, i think, the Interrail Pass must be changed, Can i do the seat reservation now with the old one, will the Number of the Interrail Pass change due for the new ID?

Extra question: We will have the paper version of the pass, because we will travel for 7 days in the wild, and it might be a risk, the our mobiles won’t survive the harh swedish weather, or that we wont have internet to activate the pass the day before. If we change the paper version, the will be a fee of 15€. Will be there  extra shipping costs?

Thank you very much for your help

With best regards


Hi there,

No worries, you can bring with you both your old and your new Passports/IDs and show them in case of inspection. When it comes to the paper Pass, I believe all the information about shipping times or costs should be available upon checkout !

I hope this helps! 

Kind regards,

