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I’m looking to make a train reservation for two travellers on 12.6 from Barcelona to Paris. Specifically the TGV 9708 at 9:10. However, when I go to make the reservation, they say they will not ship it to me because it will take too long to deliver by post. I tried going on the SNCF page for tickets, but I wasn’t able to find a place to use the Eurail Pass on the website. Any help would be appreciated. I looked at the seewulf post, but it didn’t seem to have anything for the SNCF site.


Also, I’m in Germany. Tried going to my local DB station, but they just looked at me blankly and said there was nothing they could do. I also tried calling 0033 18494 3635 (which I think is SNCF) and they said, no the website is wrong, we can’t help you.


So, I’m kind of at a loss, do I just show up early day of and try to get a ticket at the train station?

You should be able to book by phone at SNCF. No need of Pass Cover Number.

 Press #85 for English, no booking fees, reservations are sent via e-mail.


Also, I’m in Germany. Tried going to my local DB station, but they just looked at me blankly and said there was nothing they could do. I also tried calling 0033 18494 3635 (which I think is SNCF) and they said, no the website is wrong, we can’t help you.

DB can definitely book this train. Either at the ticket office or by phone (030 2970); you can then collect the reservation from a DB ticket machine. If they don't know how to book it, then suggest they look in their documentation or contact their helpdesk.

SNCF can definitely also book it, also by phone. If they say otherwise, they’re lying to you. We've seen multiple reports of people from various countries who booked it that way. You called the correct number.
