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Everything about the Interail pass has been smooth except my ability to book a Eurostar seat from London to Brussels when having selected a mobile pass.

The only way I could possibly see to book a seat was to say I had a paper ticket and as a result I have made a booking BUT the money has not been taken from my account although I do have access to two PDFS showing the “booking” although I have NOT had confirmation by e mail of my reservations ?

The ability to contact anyone to ask appears impossible so at the moment I am due to travel on the 19th April and I have no idea if i have a booking or not ?

Do I need to change my mobile pass for a paper pass in order to board the train ?? Again no help anywhere?

When does my money go through and I have a confirmation?

Would I be refused at the gate with a seat reservation and only a mobile pass?

Hope someone can help me as its extremely frustrating.

On which website did you book? If it's via Interrail, go to, log in and check the Reservations Overview. If your bookings went through, they should also be listed there and you should be able to download them there.

Where did you indicate you had a paper pass? Booking via interrail should also work with a mobile pass. Was there an error when you tried that? Or where did you get stuck?

Customer service can be reached here.

You don't need to change your reservation. It is not linked to a paper or mobile pass specifically.


Thanks for the speedy reply.

I booked on the Interrail website. I can see two downloadable PDFs stating I am booked. However they have not been e mailed to me as confirmed and I notice the money has not been taken from my bank account - it is pending ?

In order to get access to the site I clicked on the how to book a seat reservation and the mobile pass told me to go to a station whereas the paper pass gave me the website options to link to ?

I think I am booked however I will contact customer service to be sure.

thanks for your assistance!

If you have a reservation stating your booked train and a seat number, then you're booked. The money is probably still pending, don't worry about that.

Where did you see that the mobile pass told you to go to a station? Do you have a URL or screenshot? Because that's simply incorrect.

If you have a reservation stating your booked train and a seat number, then you're booked. The money is probably still pending, don't worry about that.

Where did you see that the mobile pass told you to go to a station? Do you have a URL or screenshot? Because that's simply incorrect.

I have a similar issue. Here the screenshots:


As you can see when I use the mobile pass option i just get the option to reserve at the station. I also have a mobile pass and booked it directly from the Interrail Website.


This is very strange. If booking via Eurail/Interrail is available, then it is always possible for both mobile and paper passes. Which app version is this (see the bottom of the More page)?

Version 23.0.1

There isn‘t a newer version in the AppStore.

Sounds like a bug in the Apple version. Android is still at 22.0.1 and doesn't have this problem.
